Rabu, 16 April 2008

Women's Evaluation of Intrapartum Nonpharmacological Pain Relief Methods Used during Labor

J Perinat Educ. 2001 Summer; 10(3): 1–8.

doi: 10.1624/105812401X88273.

Copyright 2001 A Lamaze International Publication


Women's Evaluation of Intrapartum Nonpharmacological Pain Relief Methods Used during Labor

Sylvia T. Brown, EdD, RN, Carol Douglas, MSN, RN, and LeeAnn Plaster Flood, MSN, CNM

Sylvia Brown is a professor in the School of Nursing at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina.

Carol Douglas is an instructor in the Nursing Department at Pitt Community College in Greenville, North Carolina.

Leeann Plaster Flood is a nurse-midwife practicing in Fayetteville, North Carolina.



A wide variety of pain relief measures are available to women in labor. This retrospective, descriptive survey design study examined which nonpharmacologic pain-relief techniques laboring women use most often and the effectiveness of the chosen techniques. Of the 10 nonpharmacological strategies rated by the sample (N = 46), breathing techniques, relaxation, acupressure, and massage were found to be the most effective. However, no specific technique or techniques were helpful for all participants. The results provide directions for childbirth educators in designing and implementing an effective childbirth education curriculum that assists women to have empowered birth experiences.

Keywords: pain management, labor pain, childbirth education



Review of Literature




Implications for Practice

Authors' Note


For several decades, childbirth educators have focused on the alleviation or reduction of pain and suffering during the childbearing experience. A wide array of nonpharmacological pain relief measures, as well as pharmacological interventions, are presently available to women in labor. Relaxation, breathing techniques, positioning/movement, massage, hydrotherapy, hot/cold therapy, music, guided imagery, acupressure, and aromatherapy are some self-help comfort measures women may initiate during labor to achieve an effective coping level for their labor experience. Lamaze childbirth preparation classes teach the majority of these techniques (Nichols & Humenick, 2000). Women are encouraged to employ a variety of simple, nonpharmacologic techniques to reduce or modify labor pain with no potential for causing harmful effects to the mother or infant. This study investigated the nonpharmacologic methods women choose to use to manage pain during labor and which methods they found to be most effective. Information obtained from the study can provide direction for childbirth educators in designing and implementing an effective childbirth preparation curriculum.



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Review of Literature

A wide variety of cognitive, behavioral, and sensory interventions may contribute to a parturient's pain management and overall sense of comfort (Lowe, 1996). Included among the benefits of using nonpharmacologic pain techniques in labor are their attributes of being nonintrusive, noninvasive, low-cost, simple, effective, and without adverse effects (Burns & Blamey, 1994; Cook & Wilcox, 1997; Geden, Lower, Beattie, & Beck, 1989; Schuiling & Sampselle, 1999; Simkin, 1995). Nonpharmacologic methods have been shown to promote a higher satisfaction with the labor experience because of perceived control and empowerment (Mackey, 1995; Waldenstrom, Borg, Olsson, Skold, & Wall, 1996).

Relaxation is thought to increase pain tolerance through a number of mechanisms, including the reduction of anxiety, decreased catecholamine response, increased uterine blood flow, and decreased muscle tension.

Cognitive pain management strategies begin with the woman's preparation for childbirth through information gathering. In today's age of high-tech communications, the amount of information available is overwhelming and can be accurate or inaccurate, depending on the source. Childbirth education classes can provide accurate, up-to-date information that assists the parturient to be well prepared for the birth experience. Guided imagery is another powerful cognitive activity that can be used to reduce pain perception by engaging the mind so that awareness of the incoming pain stimuli is reduced (Jones, 1988). All methods of childbirth preparation embrace the notion that the mind is linked to the physiol-ogic processes and pain messages. Therefore, guiding the parturient's thoughts to pleasant experiences can be an effective pain and coping intervention (Lowe, 1996).

The most common behavioral technique discussed in the pain management literature is relaxation. Relaxation is thought to increase pain tolerance through a number of mechanisms, including the reduction of anxiety, decreased catecholamine response, increased uterine blood flow, and decreased muscle tension (Lowe, 1996). Relaxation is most effective as a pain management strategy when learned and practiced in advance of the labor experience. Commonly used techniques include a focus on specific relaxation and patterned breathing exercises as a distraction from the discomforts of labor (Olds, London, & Ladewig, 1996). Maternal positioning and movement have been found to reduce pain during labor (Lowe, 1996; Simkin, 1995). Women in early labor maintaining a vertical position demonstrate less pain (Melzack, Belanger, & Lacroix, 1991), while some find that specific rhythmic movements increase their tolerance for contraction-related pain. Movement and position changes may decrease pain and enhance uterine blood flow, uterine activity, fetal descent, and personal control (Andrews & Chrzanowski, 1990; Lowe, 1996; Shermer & Raines, 1997).

Sensory interventions include any modality that provides sensory input to promote relaxation, enhance positive thoughts, or modulate the transmission of nociceptive stimuli. Music, touch, massage/effleurage, acupressure, hot/cold therapy, aromatherapy, and hydrotherapy are sensory strategies that may promote comfort. Music has been found to have a significant reduction effect on pain intensity in laboring women (Hugh & Louis, 1985). Durham and Collins (1986) found that music created an atmosphere of relaxation for couples and a common ground for couples to relate with each other and the childbirth educator. Massage has been found to be an effective therapy to decrease pain, anxiety, agitation, and a depressed mood during labor (Field, Hernandez-Reif, Taylor, Quintino, & Burman, 1997). In addition, Field et al. reported that massaged mothers had significantly shorter labors, a shorter hospital stay, and less postpartum depression. The application of hot/cold has been a sensory intervention used for many years. Hot compresses applied on the abdomen, groin, or perineum; a warm blanket over the entire body; and ice packs on the lower back, anus, or perineum are effective pain-relief interventions for labor pain (Simkin, 1995). Acupressure—the application of finger pressure or deep massage to traditional acupuncture points located along the body's meridians or energy flow lines—has been reported to reduce labor pain and promote progress (Simkin, 1995; Nichols & Humenick, 2000). Burns and Blamey (1994) report that women in labor and their midwives have expressed a high degree of overall satisfaction in using aromatherapy, another sensory intervention, during labor. Whirlpool baths in labor have been demonstrated to have a positive effect on analgesia requirements, condition of the perineum, instrumentation rates, and personal satisfaction (Rush, Burlock, Lambert, Loorley-Millman, Hutchison & Enkin, 1996). Benfield, Herman, Katz, Wilson & Davis (2001) report that hydrotherapy promotes short-term relaxation by decreasing anxiety and pain; additionally, hydrotherapy is associated with a positive plasma volume shift, thus correcting uterine dyskinesia while decreasing the total length of labor and need for analgesics.

Controlling pain without harm to mother, fetus, or labor progress remains a primary focus during the labor experience. Pharmacologic measures for labor generally have been found to be more effective than nonpharmacologic measures in lowering pain levels; however, they are more costly and have potential adverse effects (CNM Data Group, 1998; Dickersin, 1989). Childbirth educators must honor the mother's ability and right to choose how she will address pain, whether or not her choice is in agreement with the educator's philosophy of pain management during labor (Jiménez, 1996). While the traditional focus in Lamaze education has been on achieving a childbirth that is both painless and natural, many clients today are selecting epidural anesthesia to assure a “painless” childbirth. Jiménez (1996) suggests that the focus must change from pain management to comfort management, as educators equip clients with skills that can result in increased comfort. The use of nondrug interventions should complement, not replace, pharmacologic interventions for the management of labor and delivery pain (Acute Pain Management Guideline Panel, 1992; CNM Data Group, 1998; McCaffery & Pasero, 1999). Although nonpharmacologic methods can be effective in helping patients relax during labor, few well-controlled studies demonstrate that these methods actually reduce perceived pain (McCaffery & Pasero, 1999). Patient preferences and perceived efficacy of the various modalities are needed to determine strategies to employ during the labor experience. Therefore, this study examined which nonpharmacologic pain relief techniques laboring women used most often and the effectiveness of the techniques used.

Childbirth educators must honor the mother's ability and right to choose how she will address pain, whether or not her choice is in agreement with the educator's philosophy of pain management during labor.



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Implications for Practice

Authors' Note



A retrospective, descriptive survey design was used to determine which nonpharmacologic pain relief techniques laboring women used most often and which techniques they perceived to be most effective. The sample consisted of women who had attended childbirth preparation classes conducted by a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator (LCCE), and who were at least 18 years old, literate in English, within 6 months postpartum, and willing to participate in the study.


The investigators designed a survey instrument, consisting of 40 items, to gather data. Items included demographic data, obstetric history, events during pregnancy and labor, presence of a support person, and a list of 10 common nonpharmacologic childbirth pain-management techniques. Subjects were requested to identify whether or not these techniques were “taught” or “not taught” in the childbirth preparation classes they attended. Subjects then were asked to complete a section in which they ranked these techniques as very effective, somewhat effective, not very effective, or not used during labor. The specific nonpharmacologic pain methods chosen for inclusion on this survey were selected because, according to the literature, evidence reports that they are beneficial in assisting women to cope effectively with the pain of labor. Additionally, a comment section was provided to allow subjects further input.

A pilot study was completed prior to the formal study. Eleven subjects who met the inclusion criteria completed the instrument. Responses were reviewed by the investigators to ascertain appropriateness of the survey instrument. The review of the pilot surveys confirmed that the survey topics were representative of the methods women were taught in childbirth preparation classes and methods women were able to utilize during labor.


Permission to conduct the study was obtained through the Policy and Review Committee on Human Research at a university setting. Cover letters were designed and attached to each survey and addressed the purpose of the study, informed consent, confidentiality, and directions for completing and submitting the survey.

The association headquarters for Lamaze International was contacted to obtain a list of current LCCEs in a selected state in the southeastern United States. Ten LCCEs were randomly selected, contacted, informed of the study, and asked for their willingness to participate by submitting names and addresses of childbirth education participants. The researchers mailed the survey directly to 90 postpartum women from the list provided. Self-addressed, stamped envelopes were provided to all participants for the return of the surveys to the researchers. The final convenience sample size consisted of 46 women, which represented a 51% return rate.



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Implications for Practice

Authors' Note



The sample consisted of 37 primiparas and 9 multiparas ranging in parity from two to four children. The majority (82.6%) were Caucasian. Participants were primarily between 20 to 30 years of age (58.7%) and the majority were married (93.5%). The majority of women (56.5%) had completed two to four years of college or higher; the remaining 43.5% had completed tenth to twelfth grades of high school (see Table 1).

Participants indicated that their major source of support during labor was the father of the baby (84.8%), while their mother and the nurse followed in ranking order. The majority of the sample (97.8%) indicated they read books and magazines about labor and delivery, as well as literature given by health care providers (91.3%) in preparation for childbirth. The overwhelming majority (93.5%) characterized their partner's support and participation during their pregnancy as listening and demonstrating concern during their pregnancy, followed by attending childbirth classes with them (89.1%) and attending prenatal visits (69.6%).

When asked to describe their general feelings before their labor began, the sample indicated the following responses: frightened (52.2%), relaxed (26.1%), confident (34.8%), doubtful about their ability to deal with pain (43.5%), confident in their physician/midwife (60.9%), felt good about self and pregnancy (52.2%), wanted to try a “natural” birth (45.7%), and planned on an epidural and/or pain medicine (34.8%). The majority (71.7%) indicated the use ocf pain medication during labor and approximately one-third (34.8%) had an epidural during labor. The majority had a vaginal delivery (73.9%), with their labor lasting less than 12 hours (71.1%) and the baby weighing five to nine pounds (97.8%).

A list of 10 nonpharmacologic pain management techniques was provided for participants to indicate if they were taught these strategies in their Lamaze classes and if they used the strategies. If they did employ the strategies, the participants were then asked to rate theeffectiveness of their use. Tables 2 and 3 and Figure 1 provide a summary of findings. All participants indicated they were taught relaxation, breathing, position change, and massage/effleurage in their childbirth preparation classes. The only listed technique that was not taught in the majority of classes was aromatherapy. All of the listed techniques were used by at least one participant in the sample, with breathing and relaxation being the predominant techniques employed; the least used strategies were hydrotherapy, music, and aromatherapy. Participants reported breathing techniques as the most effective pain relieving technique used during labor, followed by relaxation, acupressure, and massage.

Participants reported breathing techniques as the most effective pain relieving technique used during labor, followed by relaxation, acupressure, and massage.

Multiparas and primiparas were very similar in the techniques they used and in the ones they found effective. Identified differences included that primiparas tended to use hot/cold therapy and music more often than multiparas, while multiparas used frequent changes of position and hydrotherapy more often than primiparas. The multiparas and primiparas were similar in their use of the other therapies. Primiparas found massage and acupressure more effective than did multiparas. The remaining therapies were similar in effectiveness among primiparas and multiparas.

In terms of medication usage, primiparas were significantly more likely to use pain medication than were multiparas (29 out of 34 = 85% vs. 4 out of 9 = 44%; p=.02). Both nonmedication users and pain medication users were similar in their use of relaxation, breathing, change of position, acupressure, and guided imagery. Music and hot/cold therapy were employed more often by pain medication users than by nonusers, while hydrotherapy and massage were more often employed by nonmedication users than by pain medication users. Massage and acupressure were reportedly more effective for pain medication users than for nonusers, while relaxation, breathing, and frequent changes of position were reportedly more effective for nonmedication users than for pain medication users. Although only one pain medication user and three nonmedication users employed hydrotherapy, all of the nonmedication users found this strategy effective.



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" href="javascript:retu" style='width:3.75pt;height:7.5pt;visibility:visible' o:button="t"> " v:shapes="Picture_x0020_92" border="0" height="10" width="5">Discussion

Implications for Practice

Authors' Note



The findings of this study are congruent with existing theoretical and research evidence, which suggest that labor pain is a subjective multidimensional experience (Acute Pain Management Guideline Panel, 1992; Brown, Campbell, & Kurtz, 1989; Lowe, 1996; McCaffery & Pasero, 1999). Not one specific technique or combination of interventions helps all women or even the same woman throughout the labor experience (Hodnett, 1996). All nonpharmacologic techniques explored in this study were found to be helpful in some degree for some study participants, while other participants indicated the same strategies were less effective or ineffective.

… labor pain is a subjective multidimensional experience …. Not one specific technique or combination of interventions helps all women or even the same woman throughout the labor experience.

Some techniques, such as hydrotherapy and aromatherapy, were used infrequently. The limitations or restrictions imposed by the birth setting may be a possible contributing factor to the infrequency in use of some techniques; however, the researchers did not request birth setting information as part of the demographic data on the survey. Thus, this represents a limitation of the study.

Anecdotal responses indicated that some strategies even enhanced the pain experience. For example, one participant commented, “Massage did not help because it was distracting for me and intensified the pain. I enjoy massage/touch when I'm not in labor, but it was not helpful ducring this labor or my three previous deliveries.” Yet, over half the sample used massage and the overwhelming majority found it to be an effective strategy for pain management. Most techniques investigated had a range of effectiveness from very effective to not very effective indicated by participants; thus, demonstrating again the subjective nature of pain. Another participant commented that breathing techniques and support from her husband were crucial to her management of pain. Only three participants indicated that breathing techniques were ineffective; however, this strategy was found to be the most helpful technique for most of the sample. The father of the baby was the major support for mothers in this study. In this study, no single measure was found to be the key to effective coping and management of pain in labor.

The influence of psychologic factors on pain perception is a well-known clinical phenomenon (Lowe, 1996). An interesting comment from one participant spoke to the psychological preparation needed, as well as the feeling of mastery of the birth experience that women strive for. This participant stated, “It's always an encouragement to see videos and hear about Moms who have managed a delivery naturally without painkillers—but if you don't manage it yourself, then it makes you feel like you failed.” Thus, childbirth educators must focus on strategies that promote comfort and enable women to identify coping mechanisms that provide greater participation in and mastery of the birth event while, at the same time, instilling acceptance in whatever their accomplishments.

Interestingly, over half of the sample indicated they felt frightened about the labor experience and almost half felt doubtful of their ability to deal with pain. Only one-third of the sample expressed a feeling of confidence before labor. Since the majority of the participants were primiparas, this lack of confidence and fear of the unknown is, to some degree, to be expected. However all participants had completed childbirth preparation classes designed to give them confidence. In addition, primiparas were significantly more likely to use pain medication than multiparas in this sample. This finding also points to feelings of doubtfulness in their ability to deal with the pain experience.

[C]hildbirth educators must focus on strategies that promote comfort and enable women to identify coping mechanisms that provide greater participation in and mastery of the birth event while, at the same time, instilling acceptance in whatever their accomplishments.



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Authors' Note


Implications for Practice

Numerous nonpharmacologic methods of pain relief can be initiated during labor. Nurses and childbirth educators must be willing to provide comprehensive childbirth education that introduces women to a variety of pain management options. Nurses and childbirth educators must also be willing to provide sensitive, continuous care that is a collaborative effort with the woman to assist her in coping with pain and mastering the experience of childbirth. Exposure to a variety of pain management strategies in childbirth education classes can allow more options for clients to use in the childbirth experience.

Psychological preparation is also extremely important due to the close link between pain and anxiety. Studies show that confidence is greater after childbirth education and that confidence is powerfully related to decreased pain perception and decreased medication/analgesia use during labor (Lowe, 1996). However, the low level of prelabor confidence and the high level of prelabor frightened feelings and doubt in successfully dealing with pain—as reported by this sample—indicate a need for additional strategies to build confidence during childbirth education. Childbirth educators can have a positive influence in the development of confidence and feelings of empowerment in the expectant mother.

It is hoped that a greater use of techniques can contribute to better outcomes, lower costs, and higher patient satisfaction. Continued investigation is needed to determine pain-relief strategies that are safe and effective and enhance patient satisfaction during the birth experience, which is one of life's most memorable and challenging experiences.



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Implications for Practice

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Authors' Note

This project was partially funded by Beta Nu chapter, Sigma Theta Tau.

Adolescent Birthrate Falls to Record Low, Study Finds

The 1999 adolescent birthrate was the lowest seen in the United States since 1940, according to a study published recently by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition, in 1999 the number of triplet births and higher-order multiple births declined for the first time in 10 years.

The report findings include the following:

  • In 1999 the birthrate among adolescents ages 15 to 19 was 49.6 births per 1,000 female adolescents; in 1991 the rate was 62.1 births per 1,000 female adolescents;
  • The rate of twin births increased by 3% from 1998 to 1999, and the rate of triplet births and other higher-order multiple births fell by 4%;
  • In 1999 first-time mothers' median age increased to 24.5, up from 1998;
  • From 1998 to 1999 the number of births to unmarried women increased by 1% to 1,308,560, the highest number ever reported;
  • The rate of pregnant women who received prenatal care increased from 82.8% in 1998 to 83.2% in 1999;
  • The rate of women who smoked cigarettes during pregnancy, which has fallen steadily since 1989, declined to 12.6% in 1999, but tobacco use by pregnant adolescents continued to increase; and
  • The rate of preterm births (less than 37 weeks' gestation) increased slightly, rising from 11.6% in 1998 to 11.8% in 1999.

Ventura, S.J., Martin, J.A., Curtin, S.C., et al. (2001). Births: Final data for 1999. National Vital Statistics Reports 49(1):1–4. Report available at www.cdc.gov/nchs.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2001, April 17). Higher order multiple births drop for first time in a decade. Press release available at www.cdc.gov/nchs/releases/01news/multibir.htm.

The above news brief appeared in the April 20, 2001, electronic issue of MCH Alert (www.ncemch.org/alert/alert042001.htm). MCH Alert is produced by the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health in Arlington, VA (www.ncemch.org/alert).



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Implications for Practice

Authors' Note

" href="javascript:retu" style='width:3.75pt;height:7.5pt;visibility:visible' o:button="t"> " v:shapes="Picture_x0020_95" border="0" height="10" width="5">References


  • Acute Pain Management Guideline Panel. 1992. Acute pain management: Operative or medical procedures and trauma. Clinical practice guideline. (Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Publication No. 92–0032). Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, United States Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service.
  • Andrews C. M, Chrzanowski M. Maternal position, labor, and comfort. Applied Nursing Research. 1990;3(1):7–13. [PubMed]
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  • Dickersin, K. Pharmacological control of pain during labour. 1989. In: Chalmers, I., Enkin, M., & Keirse (MJNC eds.). Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth (vol. 2).Oxford: Oxford University Press, 913–950.
  • Durham L, Collins M. The effect of music as a conditioning aid in prepared childbirth education. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing. 1986;15:268–270.
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  • Geden E. A, Lower M, Beattie S, Beck N. Effects of music and imagery on physiologic and self-report of analogued labor pain. Nursing Research. 1989;38(1):37–41. [PubMed]
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  • Jiménez S. L. M. Comfort management: A conceptual framework for exploring issues of pain and comfort. The Journal of Perinatal Education. 1996;5(4):67–70.
  • Jones, C. 1988. Visualizations for an easier childbirth. New York: Meadowbrook.
  • Lowe N. K. The pain and discomfort of labor and birth. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing. 1996;25(1):82–89.
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  • McCaffery, M.; Pasero, C. 1999. Pain—Clinical manual. St. Louis: Mosby.
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  • Nichols, F. H.; Humenick, S. S. 2000. Childbirth education: Practice, research, and theory (2nd ed.). (Eds.). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company.
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  • Schuiling K. D, Sampselle C. M. Comfort in labor and midwifery art. Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 1999;31(1):77–81.
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Figures and Tables

figure JPE100001f01

Reported Effectiveness of Nonpharmacologi-cal Pain Relief Strategies by Women Who Used Them in Labor

Table 1

Table 1

Characteristics of Sample

Table 2

Table 2

Nonpharmacological Pain Relief Strategies Taught and Used

Table 3

Table 3

Reported Effectiveness of Nonpharmacological Pain Relief Strategies

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Table 1

Characteristics of Sample

N = 46







 20–30 years old



 31–40 years old



 > 40 years old




 African American












Highest Educational Level

 Partial High School



 High School Completion



 Two-Year College



 Four-Year College



 Graduate School



Major Support during Labor

 Father of Baby



 Your Mother















J Perinat Educ. 2001 Summer; 10(3): 1–8.

doi: 10.1624/105812401X88273.

Copyright 2001 A Lamaze International Publication

Table 2

Nonpharmacological Pain Relief Strategies Taught and Used

N = 46




46 (100%)

42 (91.3%)


46 (100%)

40 (87.0%)


37 (80.4%)

23 (50.0%)

Position Change

46 (100%)

26 (56.5%)


46 (100%)

25 (54.3%)

Hot/Cold Therapy

41 (91.1%)

13 (28.0%)

Guided Imagery

40 (87.0%)

14 (31.1%)


44 (95.7%)

6 (13.0%)


44 (95.7%)

5 (10.9%)


21 (45.7%)

1 (2.2%)

J Perinat Educ. 2001 Summer; 10(3): 1–8.

doi: 10.1624/105812401X88273.

Copyright 2001 A Lamaze International Publication

Table 3

Reported Effectiveness of Nonpharmacological Pain Relief Strategies

N = 46

Very Effective

Somewhat Effective

Not Very Effective

Not Used


27 (58.7%)

12 (26.1%)

3 (6.5%)

4 (8.7%)


10 (21.7%)

23 (50.0%)

7 (15.2%)

6 (13.0%)


10 (21.7%)

11 (23.9%)

2 (4.3%)

23 (50.0%)

Position Change

9 (19.6%)

15 (32.6%)

2 (4.3%)

20 (43.5%)


9 (19.6%)

14 (30.4%)

2 (4.3%)

21 (45.7%)

Hot/Cold Therapy

6 (13.0%)

7 (15.2%)

0 (0.0%)

33 (71.7%)

Guided Imagery

4 (8.7%)

9 (19.6%)

1 (2.2%)

31 (67.4%)


2 (4.3%)

3 (6.5%)

1 (2.2%)

40 (87.0%)


1 (2.2%)

3 (6.5%)

1 (2.2%)

41 (89.1%)


0 (0.0%)

1 (2.2%)

0 (0.0%)

45 (97.8%)

J Perinat Educ. 2001 Summer; 10(3): 1–8.

doi: 10.1624/105812401X88273.

Copyright 2001 A Lamaze International Publication


Ditulis oleh Yasin Setiawan

A. Konsep Dasar

1. Defenisi

Seksio sesarea adalah suatu tindakan untuk melahirkan bayi dengan berat badan di atas 500 gram, melalui sayatan pada dinding uterus yang masih utuh. (Saifudin, 2001 : 536)

Plasenta Previa adalah plasenta yang letaknya abnormal, yaitu pada segmen bawah uterus sehingga dapat menutupi sebagian atau seluruh pembukaan jalan lahir. (Wiknjosostro, 1999 : 365)

2. Etiologi

Mengapa plasenta tumbuh pada segmen bawah uterus tidak selalu dapat diterangkan, karena tidak nyata dengan jelas bahwa plasenta previa didapati untuk sebagian besar pada penderita dengan paritas fungsi, apabila aliran darah ke plasenta tidak cukup atau diperlukan lebih banyak seperti pada kehamilan kembar. Plasenta yang letaknya normal sekalipun akan meluaskan permukaannya, sehingga mendekati atau menutupi sama sekali pembukaan jalan lahir. (Wiknjosostro, 1999 : 367)

3. Klasifikasi

a. Plasenta Previa Totalis, apabila seluruh pembukaan tertutup oleh jaringan plasenta.

b. Plasenta Previa Parsialis, apabila sebahagian pembukaan tertutup oleh jaringan plasenta.

c. Plasenta Previa Marginalis, apabila pinggir plasenta berada tepat pada pinggir pembukaan.

d. Plasenta Letak Rendah, plasenta yang letaknya abnormal pada segmen bawah uterus tetapi belum sampai menutupi pembukaan jalan lahir. (Wiknjosostro, 1999 : 365)

4. Anatomi Fisiologi

Plasenta berbentuk bundar atau hampir bundar dengan diameter 15-20 cm dan tebal 2,5 cm, berat rata-rata 500 gram. Tali pusat berhubungan dengan plasenta biasanya di tengah (insersio sentralis). Bila hubungan agak pinggir (insersio lateralis). Dan bila di pinggir plasenta (insersio marginalis), kadang-kadang tali pusat berada di luar plasenta dan hubungan dengan plasenta melalui janin, jika demikian disebut (insersio velmentosa).

Umumnya plasenta terbentuk lengkap pada kehamilan lebih kurang 10 minggu dengan ruang amnion telah mengisi seluruh kavum uterus, agak ke atas ke arah fundus uteri. Meskipun ruang amnion membesar sehingga amnion tertekan ke arah korion, amnion hanya menempel saja.

Pada umumnya di depan atau di belakang dinding uterus agak ke atas ke arah fundus uteri, plasenta sebenarnya berasal dari sebagian dari janin, di tempat-tempat tertentu pada implantasi plasenta terdapat vena-vena yang lebar (sinus) untuk menampung darah kembali pada pinggir plasenta di beberapa tempat terdapat suatu ruang vena untuk menampung darah yang berasal ruang interviller di atas (marginalis).

Fungsi plasenta ialah mengusahakan janin tumbuh dengan baik untuk pertumbuhan adanya zat penyalur, asam amino, vitamin dan mineral dari ibu kejanin dan pembuangan CO2.

Fungsi Plasenta :

a. Sebagai alat yang memberi makanan pada janin.

b. Sebagai alat yang mengeluarkan bekas metabolisme.

c. Sebagai alat yang memberi zat asam dan mengeluarkan CO2.

d. Sebagai alat pembentuk hormone.

e. Sebagai alat penyalur perbagai antibody ke janin.

f. Mungkin hal-hal yang belum ketahui.(Wiknjosostro, 1999 : 66)

5. Patafisiologi

Pendarahan antepartum akibat plasenta previa terjadi sejak kehamilan 10 minggu saat segmen bawah uterus membentuk dari mulai melebar serta menipis, umumnya terjadi pada trismester ketiga karena segmen bawah uterus lebih banyak mengalami perubahan pelebaran segmen bawah uterus dan pembukaan servik menyebabkan sinus uterus robek karena lepasnya plasenta dari dinding uterus atau karena robekan sinus marginalis dari plasenta. Pendarahan tidak dapat dihindarkan karena ketidak mampuan serabut otot segmen bawah uterus untuk berkontraksi seperti pada plasenta letak normal. (Mansjoer, 1999 : 276)

6. Komplikasi

a. Pada ibu dapat terjadi perdarahan hingga syok akibat perdarahan, anemia karena perdarahan plasentitis, dan endometritis pasca persalinan.

b. Pada janin biasanya terjadi persalinan premature dan komplikasi seperti Asfiksi berat. ( Mansjoer, 1999 : 277)

Komplikasi bersifat relevan:

a. Infeksi yang di dapat dirumah sakit, terutama setelah dilakukan seksio sesarea pada persalinan.

b. Fenomena tromboemboli, terutama pada multipara dengan varikositas.

c. Ileus, terutama karena peritonitis dan kurang sering karena dasar obstruksi

d. Kecelakaan anestesi (Martius,2000:105).

7. Gambaran Kinik

Pendarahan tanpa alasan dan tanpa rasa nyeri merupakan gejala utama dan pertama dari plasenta previa. Perdarahan dapat terjadi selagi penderita tidur atau bekerja biasa, perdarahan pertama biasanya tidak banyak, sehingga tidak akan berakibat fatal. Perdarahan berikutnya hampir selalu banyak dari pada sebelumnya, apalagi kalau sebelumnya telah dilakukan pemeriksaan dalam. Sejak kehamilan 20 minggu segmen bawah uterus, pelebaran segmen bawah uterus dan pembukaan serviks tidak dapat diikuti oleh plasenta yang melekat dari dinding uterus. Pada saat ini dimulai terjadi perdarahan darah berwarna merah segar.

Sumber perdarahan ialah sinus uterus yang terobek karena terlepasnya plasenta dari dinding uterus perdarahan tidak dapat dihindari karena ketidak mampuan serabut otot segmen bawah uterus untuk berkontraksi menghentikan perdarahan, tidak sebagai serabut otot uterus untuk menghentikan perdarahan kala III dengan plasenta yang letaknya normal makin rendah letak plasenta makin dini perdarahan terjadi, oleh karena itu perdarahan pada plasenta previa totalis akan terjadi lebih dini dari pada plasenta letak rendah, yang mungkin baru berdarah setelah persalinan mulai. ( Wiknjosostro, 1999 : 368 )

8. Diagnosis

a. Anamnesis

Perdarahan jalan lahir pada kehamilan setelah 22 minggu berlangsung tanpa nyeri terutama pada multigravida, banyaknya perdarahan tidak dapat dinilai dari anamnesis, melainkan dari pada pemeriksaan hematokrit.

b. Pemeriksaan Luar

Bagian bawah janin biasanya belum masuk pintu atas panggul presentasi kepala, biasanya kepala masih terapung di atas pintu atas panggul mengelak ke samping dan sukar didorong ke dalam pintu atas panggul.

c. Pemeriksaan In Spekulo

Pemeriksaan bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah perdarahan berasal dari osteum uteri eksternum atau dari ostium uteri eksternum, adanya plasenta previa harus dicurigai.

d. Penentuan Letak Plasenta Tidak Langsung

Penentuan letak plasenta secara tidak langsung dapat dilakukan radiografi, radioisotope, dan ultrasonagrafi. Ultrasonagrafi penentuan letak plasenta dengan cara ini ternyata sangat tepat, tidak menimbulkan bahaya radiasi bagi ibu dan janinnya dan tidak menimbulkan rasa nyeri. (Wiknjosostro, 1999 : 369)

e. Pemeriksaan Ultrasonografi

Dengan pemeriksaan ini dapat ditentukan implantasi plasenta atau jarak tepi plasenta terhadap ostium bila jarak tepi 5 cm disebut plasenta letak rendah.

f. Diagnosis Plasenta Previa Secara Defenitif

Dilakukan dengan PDMO yaitu melakukan perabaan secara langsung melalui pembukaan serviks pada perdarahan yang sangat banyak dan pada ibu dengan anemia berat, tidak dianjurkan melakukan PDMO sebagai upaya menentukan diagnosis. (Saifudin, 2001 : 163)

9. Penatalaksanaan

a. Terapi Ekspektif

1) Tujuan supaya janin tidak terlahir premature, penderita dirawat tanpa melakukan pemeriksaan dalam melalui kanalis servisis.

2) Syarat-syarat terapi ekspektif :

- Kehamilan preterm dengan perdarahan sedikit yang kemudian berhenti.

- Belum ada tanda-tanda in partu.

- Keadaan umum ibu cukup baik.

- Janin masih hidup.

3) Rawat inap, tirah baring dan berikan antibiotik profilaksis.

4) Lakukan pemeriksaan USG untuk mengetahui implantasi plasenta.

5) Berikan tokolitik bila ada kontraksi :

- MgS04 9 IV dosis awal tunggal dilanjutkan 4 gram setiap 6 jam.

- Nifedipin 3 x 20 mg perhari.

- Betamethason 24 mg IV dosis tunggal untuk pematangan paru janin.

6) Uji pematangan paru janin dengan tes kocok dari hasil amniosentesis.

7) Bila setelah usia kehamilan diatas 34 minggu, plasenta masih berada disekitar ostium uteri interim.

8) Bila perdarahan berhenti dan waktu untuk mencapai 37 minggu masih lama, pasien dapat dipulang untuk rawat jalan.

b. Terapi Aktif ( tindakan segera ).

1) Wanita hamil diatas 22 minggu dengan perdarahan pervagina yang aktif dan banyak, harus segera ditatalaksanakan secara aktif tanpa memandang moturitus janin.

2) Lakukan PDMO jika :

a) Infus 1 transfusi telah terpasang.

b) Kehamilan > 37 minggu ( berat badan > 2500 gram ) dan inpartu.

c) Janin telah meninggal atau terdapat anomali kongenital mayor, seperti anesefali.

d) Perdarahan dengan bagian terbawah janin telah jauh melewati pintu atas panggul ( 2/5 atau 3/5 pada palpasi luar ).

3) Cara menyelesaikan persalinan dengan plasenta previa seksio sesarea .

a) Prinsip utama adalah menyelamatkan ibu, walaupun janin meninggal atau tidak punya harapan untuk hidup, tindakan ini tetap dilakukan.

b) Tujuan seksio sesarea : persalinan dengan segera sehingga uterus segera berkontraksi dan menghentikan pendarahan, menghindarkan kemungkinan terjadi robekan pada serviks, jika janin dilahirkan pervagina.

c) Siapkan darah pengganti untuk stabiliasi dan pemulihan kondisi ibu. (Saifuddin, 2001 : 536 )

4) Perawatan Post Operasi Seksio Sesarea.

1. Analgesia

Wanita dengan ukuran tubuh rata-rata dapat disuntik 75 mg Meperidin (intra muskuler) setiap 3 jam sekali, bila diperlukan untuk mengatasi rasa sakit atau dapat disuntikan dengan cara serupa 10 mg morfin.

a) Wanita dengan ukuran tubuh kecil, dosis Meperidin yang diberikan adalah 50 mg.

b) Wanita dengan ukuran besar, dosis yang lebih tepat adalah 100 mg Meperidin.

c) Obat-obatan antiemetik, misalnya protasin 25 mg biasanya diberikan bersama-sama dengan pemberian preparat narkotik.

2. Tanda-tanda Vital

Tanda-tanda vital harus diperiksa 4 jam sekali, perhatikan tekanan darah, nadi jumlah urine serta jumlah darah yang hilang dan keadaan fundus harus diperiksa.

3. Terapi cairan dan Diet

Untuk pedoman umum, pemberian 3 liter larutan RL, terbukti sudah cukup selama pembedahan dan dalam 24 jam pertama berikutnya, meskipun demikian, jika output urine jauh di bawah 30 ml / jam, pasien harus segera di evaluasi kembali paling lambat pada hari kedua.

4. Vesika Urinarius dan Usus

Kateter dapat dilepaskan setelah 12 jam, post operasi atau pada keesokan paginya setelah operasi. Biasanya bising usus belum terdengar pada hari pertama setelah pembedahan, pada hari kedua bising usus masih lemah, dan usus baru aktif kembali pada hari ketiga..

5. Ambulasi

Pada hari pertama setelah pembedahan, pasien dengan bantuan perawatan dapat bangun dari tempat tidur sebentar, sekurang-kurang 2 kali pada hari kedua pasien dapat berjalan dengan pertolongan.

6. Perawatan Luka

Luka insisi di inspeksi setiap hari, sehingga pembalut luka yang alternatif ringan tanpa banyak plester sangat menguntungkan, secara normal jahitan kulit dapat diangkat setelah hari ke empat setelah pembedahan. Paling lambat hari ke tiga post partum, pasien dapat mandi tanpa membahayakan luka insisi.

7. Laboratorium

Secara rutin hematokrit diukur pada pagi setelah operasi hematokrit tersebut harus segera di cek kembali bila terdapat kehilangan darah yang tidak biasa atau keadaan lain yang menunjukkan hipovolemia.

8. Perawatan Payudara

Pemberian ASI dapat dimulai pada hari post operasi jika ibu memutuskan tidak menyusui, pemasangan pembalut payudara yang mengencangkan payudara tanpa banyak menimbulkan kompesi, biasanya mengurangi rasa nyeri.

9. Memulangkan Pasien Dari Rumah Sakit

Seorang pasien yang baru melahirkan mungkin lebih aman bila diperbolehkan pulang dari rumah sakit pada hari ke empat dan ke lima post operasi, aktivitas ibu seminggunya harus dibatasi hanya untuk perawatan bayinya dengan bantuan orang lain.(Cunningham, 1995 : 529)

B. Asuhan Keperawatan

1. Pengkajian

a. Identitas Pasien

Meliputi nama, umur, pendidikan, suku bangsa, pekerjaan, agam, alamat, status perkawinan, ruang rawat, nomor medical record, diagnosa medik, yang mengirim, cara masuk, alasan masuk, keadaan umum tanda vital.

b. Data Riwayat Kesehatan

1) Riwayat kesehatan sekarang.

Meliputi keluhan atau yang berhubungan dengan gangguan atau penyakit dirasakan saat ini dan keluhan yang dirasakan setelah pasien operasi.

2) Riwayat Kesehatan Dahulu

Meliputi penyakit yang lain yang dapat mempengaruhi penyakit sekarang, Maksudnya apakah pasien pernah mengalami penyakit yang sama (Plasenta previa).

3) Riwayat Kesehatan Keluarga

Meliputi penyakit yang diderita pasien dan apakah keluarga pasien ada juga mempunyai riwayat persalinan plasenta previa.

c. Data Sosial Ekonomi

Penyakit ini dapat terjadi pada siapa saja, akan tetapi kemungkinan dapat lebih sering terjadi pada penderita malnutrisi dengan sosial ekonomi rendah.

d. Data Psikologis

1) Pasien biasanya dalam keadaan labil.

2) Pasien biasanya cemas akan keadaan seksualitasnya.

3) Harga diri pasien terganggu

e. Data Pemeriksaan Penunjang

1) USG, untuk menetukan letak impiantasi plasenta.

2) Pemeriksaan hemoglobin

3) Pemeriksaan Hema tokrit.

2. Diagnosa Keperawatan

a. Transisi Perubahan proses keluarga berhubungan dengan perkembangan atau adanya peningkatan anggota keluarga. (Doengoes,2001:415).

b. Gangguan nyaman : nyeri akut berhubungan dengan trauma pembedahan (Doengoes,2001:417).

c. Ansietas berhubungan dengan situasi, ancaman pada konsep diri, transmisi / kontak interpersonal, kebutuhan tidak terpenuhi (Doengoes,2001:417).

d. Harga diri rendah berhubungan dengan merasa gagal dalam peristiwa kehidupan (Doengoes,2001:422).

e. Risiko tinggi terhadap cedera berhubungan dengan fungsi biokimia atau regulasi (Doengoes,2001;422)

f. Risiko tinggi terhadap infeksi berhubungan dengan trauma jaringan / kulit rusak (Doengoes,2001:427)

g. Konstipasi berhubungan dengan penurunan tonus otot (Doengoes,2001:430).

h. Kurang pengetahuan mengenai perawatan diri dan bayi berhubungan dengan kurang pemajanan stsu mengingati kesalahan interpretasi , tidak mengenal sumber-sumber (Doengoes,2001:431)

i. Perubahan eliminasi urin berhubungan dengan trauma atau diversi mekanisme efek-efek hormonal/anastesi (Doengoes,2001:437)

j. Kurang perawatan diri berhubungan dengan efek-efek anestesi, penurunan kekuatan dan ketahanan, ketidatnyamana fisik (Doengoes,2001:436)

3. Rencana Tindakan

a. Perubahan proses keluarga berhubungan dengan perkembangan transisi / peningkatan anggota keluarga.

Tujuan : dapat menerima perubahan dalam keluarga dengan anggotanya baru.

Kriteria hasil :

a) Menggendong bayi, bila kondisi memungkinkan

b) Mendemontrasikan prilaku kedekatan dan ikatan yang tepat

c) Mulai secara aktif mengikuti perawatan bayi baru lahir dengan cepat.

Intervensi :

1) Anjurkan pasien untuk menggendong, menyetuh dan memeriksa bayi, tergantung pada kondisi pasien dan bayi, bantu sesuai kebutuhan.

Rasional : Jam pertama setelah kelahiran memberikan kesempatan unik untuk ikatan keluarga terjadi karena ibu dan bayi secara emosional dan menerima isyarat satu sama lain, yang memulai kedekatan dan proses pengenalan.

2) Berikan kesempatan untuk ayah / pasangan untuk menyentuh dan menggendong bayi dan Bantu dalam perawatan bayi sesuai kemungkinan situasi.

Rasional : membantu memudahkan ikatan / kedekatan diantara ayah dan bayi. Memberikan kesempatan untuk ibu memvalidasi realitas situasi dan bayi baru lahir.

3) Observasi dan catat interaksi keluarga bayi, perhatikan perilaku yang dianggap menggandakan dan kedekatan dalam budaya tertentu.

Rasional : pada kontak pertama dengan bayi, ibu menunjukkan pola progresif dari perilaku dengan cara menggunakan ujung jari.

4) Diskusikan kebutuhan kemajuan dan sifat interaksi yang lazim dari ikatan. Perhatikan kenormalan dari variasi respon dari satu waktu ke waktu.

Rasional : membantu pasien dan pasangan memahami makna pentingnya proses dan memberikan keyakinan bahwa perbedaan diperkirakan.

5) Sambut keluarga dan sibling untuk kunjungan sifat segera bila kondisi ibu atau bayi memungkinkan.

Rasional : meningkatkan kesatuan keluarga dan membantu sibling memulai proses adaptasi positif terhadap peran baru dan memasukkan anggota baru kedalam struktur keluarga.

6) Berikan informasi, sesuai kebutuhan, keamanan dan kondisi bayi. Dukungan pasangan sesuai kebutuhan.

Rasional : membantu pasangan untuk memproses dan mengevaluasi informasi yang diperlukan, khususnya bila periode pengenalan awal telah terlambat.

7) Jawab pertanyaan pasien mengenai protokol, perawatan selama periode pasca kelahiran.

Rasional : informasi menghilangkan ansietas yang dapat menggangu ikatan atau mengakibatkan absorpsi dari pada perhatian terhadap bayi baru lahir.

b. Ketidaknyamanan : nyeri, akut berhubungan dengan trauma pembedahan.

Tujuan : ketidaknyamanan ; nyeri berkurang atau hilang.

Kriteria hasil :

a) Mengungkapkan kekurangan rasa nyeri.

b) Tampak rileks mampu tidur.

Intervensi :

1) Tentukan lokasi dan karakteristik ketidaknyamanan perhatikan isyarat verbal dan non verbal seperti meringis.

Rasional : pasien mungkin tidak secara verbal melaporkan nyeri dan ketidaknyamanan secara langsung. Membedakan karakteristik khusus dari nyeri membantu membedakan nyeri paska operasi dari terjadinya komplikasi.

2) Berikan informasi dan petunjuk antisipasi mengenai penyebab ketidaknyamanan dan intervensi yang tepat.

Rasional : meningkatkan pemecahan masalah, membantu mengurangi nyeri berkenaan dengan ansietas.

3) Evaluasi tekanan darah dan nadi ; perhatikan perubahan prilaku.

Rasional : pada banyak pasien, nyeri dapat menyebabkan gelisah, serta tekanan darah dan nadi meningkat. Analgesia dapat menurunkan tekanan darah.

4) Perhatikan nyeri tekan uterus dan adanya atau karakteristik nyeri.

Rasional : selama 12 jam pertama paska partum, kontraksi uterus kuat dan teratur dan ini berlanjut 2 – 3 hari berikutnya, meskipun frekuensi dan intensitasnya dikurangi faktor-faktor yang memperberat nyeri penyerta meliputi multipara, overdistersi uterus.

5) Ubah posisi pasien, kurangi rangsangan berbahaya dan berikan gosokan punggung dan gunakan teknik pernafasan dan relaksasi dan distraksi.

Rasional : merilekskan otot dan mengalihkan perhatian dari sensasi nyeri. Meningkatkan kenyamanan dan menurunkan distraksi tidak menyenangkan, meningkatkan rasa sejahtera.

6) Lakukan nafas dalam dengan menggunakan prosedur- prosedur pembebasan dengan tepat 30 menit setelah pemberian analgesik.

Rasional : nafas dalam meningkatkan upaya pernapasan. Pembebasan menurunkan regangan dan tegangan area insisi dan mengurangi nyeri dan ketidaknyamanan berkenaan dengan gerakan otot abdomen.

7) Anjurkan ambulasi dini. Anjurkan menghindari makanan atau cairan berbentuk gas; misal : kacang-kacangan, kol, minuman karbonat.

Rasional : menurunkan pembentukan gas dan meningkatkan peristaltik untuk menghilangkan ketidaknyamanan karena akumulasi gas.

8) Anjurkan penggunaan posisi rekumben lateral kiri

Rasional : memungkinkan gas meningkatkan dari kolon desenden ke sigmoid, memudahkan pengeluaran.

9) Inspeksi hemoroid pada perineum. Anjurkan penggunaan es secara 20 menit setiap 24 jam, penggunaan bantal untuk peninggian pelvis sesuai kebutuhan.

Rasional : membantu regresi hemoroid dan varises vulva dengan meningkatkan vasokontriksi, menurunkan ketidak nyamanan dan gatal, dan meningkatkan fungsi usus normal.

10) Palpasi kandung kemih, perhatikan adanya rasa penuh. Memudahkan berkemih periodik setelah pengangkatan kateter indwelling.

Rasional : kembali fungsi kandung kemih normal memerlukan 4-7 hari dan overdistensi kandung kemih menciptakan perasaan dan ketidaknyamanan.

c. Ansietas berhubungan dengan krisis situasi, ancaman pada konsep diri, transmisi / kontak interpersonal, kebutuhan tidak terpenuhi.

Tujuan : ansietas dapat berkurang atau hilang.

Kriteria hasil :

a) Mengungkapkan perasaan ansietas

b) Melaporkan bahwa ansietas sudah menurun

c) Kelihatan rileks, dapat tidur / istirahat dengan benar.

Intervensi :

1) Dorong keberadaan atau partisipasi pasangan

Rasional : memberikan dukungan emosional; dapat mendorong mengungkapkan masalah.

2) Tentukan tingkat ansietas pasien dan sumber dari masalah. Mendorong pasien atau pasangan untuk mengungkapkan keluhan atau harapan yang tidak terpenuhi dalam proses ikatan/menjadi orangtua.

3) Bantu pasien atau pasangan dalam mengidentifikasi mekanisme koping baru yang lazim dan perkembangan strategi koping baru jika dibutuhkan.

Rasional : membantu memfasilitasi adaptasi yang positif terhadap peran baru, mengurangi perasaan ansietas.

4) Memberikan informasi yang akurat tentang keadaan pasien dan bayi.

Rasional : khayalan yang disebabkan informasi atau kesalahpahaman dapat meningkatkan tingkat ansietas.

5) Mulai kontak antara pasien/pasangan dengan baik sesegera mungkin.

Rasional : mengurangi ansietas yang mungkin berhubungan dengan penanganan bayi, takut terhadap sesuatu yang tidak diketahui, atau menganggap hal yang buruk berkenaan dengan keadaan bayi.

d. Harga diri rendah berhubungan dengan merasa gagal dalam peristiwa kehidupan.

Tujuan : tidak lagi mengungkapkan perasaan negatif diri dan situasi

Kriteria hasil :

a) Mengungkapkan pemahaman mengenai faktor individu yang mencetuskan situasi saat ini.

b) Mengekspresikan diri yang positif.

Intervensi :

1) Tentukan respon emosional pasien / pasangan terhadap kelahiran sesarea.

Rasional : kedua anggota pasangan mungkin mengalami reaksi emosi negatif terhadap kelahiran sesarea meskipun bayi sehat, orangtua sering berduka dan merasa kehilangan karena tidak mengalami kelahiran pervagina sesuai yang diperkirakan.

2) Tinjau ulang partisipasi pasien/pasangan dan peran dalam pengalaman kelahiran. Identifikasi perilaku positif selama proses prenatal dan antepartal.

Rasional : respon berduka dapat berkurang bila ibu dan ayah mampu saling membagi akan pengalaman kelahiran, sebagai dapat membantu menghindari rasa bersalah.

3) Tekankan kemiripan antara kelahiran sesarea dan vagina. Sampaikan sifat positif terhadap kelahiran sesarea. Dan atur perawatan pasca patum sedekat mungkin pada perawatan yang diberikan pada pasien setelah kelahiran vagina.

Rasional: pasien dapat merubah persepsinya tentang pengalaman kelahiran sesarea sebagaiman persepsinya tentang kesehatannya / penyakitnya berdasarkan pada sikap professional.

e. Risiko tinggi terhadap infeksi berhubungan dengan trauma jaringan / kulit rusak.

Tujuan : infeksi tidak terjadi

Kriteria hasil :

a) Luka bebas dari drainase purulen dengan tanda awal penyembuhan.

b) Bebas dari infeksi, tidak demam, urin jernih kuning pucat.

Intervensi :

1) Anjurkan dan gunakan teknik mencuci tangan dengan cermat dan pembuangan pengalas kotoran, pembalut perineal dan linen terkontaminasi dengan tepat.

Rasional : membantu mencegah atau membatasi penyebaran infeksi.

2) Tinjau ulang hemogolobin / hematokrit pranantal ; perhatikan adanya kondisi yang mempredisposisikan pasien pada infeksi pasca operasi.

Rasional : anemia, diabetes dan persalinan yang lama sebelum kelahiran sesarea meningkatkan resiko infeksi dan memperlambat penyembahan.

3) Kaji status nutrisi pasien. Perhatikan penampilan rambut, kuku jari, kulit dan sebagainya Perhatikan berat badan sebelum hamil dan penambahan berat badan prenatal.

Rasional : pasien yang berat badan 20% dibawah berat badan normal atau yang anemia atau yang malnutrisi, lebih rentan terhadap infeksi pascapartum dan dapat memerlukan diet khusus.

4) Dorong masukkan cairan oral dan diet tinggi protein, vitamin C dan besi.

Rasional : mencegah dehidrasi ; memaksimalkan volume, sirkulasi dan aliran urin, protein dan vitamin C diperlukan untuk pembentukan kolagen, besi diperlukan untuk sintesi hemoglobin.

5) Inspeksi balutan abdominal terhadap eksudat atau rembesan. Lepasnya balutan sesuai indikasi.

Rasional : balutan steril menutupi luka pada 24 jam pertama kelahiran sesarea membantu melindungi luka dari cedera atau kontaminasi. Rembesan dapat menandakan hematoma.

6) Inspeksi insisi terhadap proses penyembuhan, perhatikan kemerahan udem, nyeri, eksudat atau gangguan penyatuan.

Rasional : tanda-tanda ini menandakan infeksi luka biasanya disebabkan oleh steptococus.

7) Bantu sesuai kebutuhan pada pengangkatan jahitan kulit, atau klips.

Rasional : insisi biasanya sudah cukup membaik untuk dilakukan pengangkatan jahitan pada hari ke 4 / 5.

8) Dorong pasien untuk mandi shower dengan menggunakan air hangat setiap hari.

Rasional : Mandi shower biasanya diizinkan setelah hari kedua setelah kelahiran sesarea, meningkatkan hiegenis dan dapat merangsang sirkulasi atau penyembuhan luka.

9) Kaji suhu, nadi dan jumlah sel darah putih.

Rasional : Demam paska operasi hari ketiga, leucositosis dan tachicardia menunjukkan infeksi. Peningkatan suhu sampai 38,3 C dalam 24 jam pertama sangat mengindentifikasikan infeksi.

10) Kaji lokasi dan kontraktilitas uterus ; perhatikan perubahan involusi atau adanya nyeri tekan uterus yang ekstrem.

Rasional : Setelah kelahiran sesarea fundus tetap pada ketinggian umbilikus selama sampai 5 hari, bila involusi mulai disertai dengan peningkatan aliran lokhea, perlambatan involusi meningkatkan resiko endometritis. Perkembangan nyeri tekan ekstrem menandakan kemungkinan jaringan plasenta tertahan atau infeksi.

4. Implementasi

Setelah rencana tindakan perawatan tersusun, selanjutnya rencana tindakan tersebut dilaksanakan sesuai dengan situasi yang nyata untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan.

Dalam pelaksanaan tindakan, perawat dapat langsung melaksanakan kepada orang lain yang dipercaya di bawah pengawasan orang yang masih seprofesi dengan perawat.

(Nursalam, 2001 : 63)

5. Evaluasi

Evaluasi dari proses keperawatan adalah nilai hasil yang diharapkan dimasukkan kedalam SOAP terhadap perubahan perilaku pasien. Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana masalah pasien dapat diatasi, disamping itu perawat juga melakukan umpan balik atau pengkajian ulang jika tujuan yang telah ditetapkan telah tercapai (Nursalam, 2001 : 71).